
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Time of Prayer

I have really been convicted lately of our church's children's ministry. Don't get me wrong, I attend a great church (FBC - Magnolia) with an aray of ministry opportunities. I just feel like there has got to be a change. We need workers, teachers, people who truly care about the spirituality of our children! I really feel like it's time for a change. I am really praying that God will reveal his will to me and that he would show me what I can do to make a change and encourage others to join in my efforts to grow our precious children in the knowlegde and truth of Scripture and to fall madly in love with the One who created them!

As a mother to 3 wonderful kids, I have really been convicted of the way we have watered down and "dumbed" down the Gospel because we think our children are too young and "simple" to understand it. I think it has alot to do with the secular humanistic philosphies we, believers, have aloud to encrouch on every aspect of our lives. We think we are doing a good thing by teaching songs like "Jesus Loves Me" and "This Little Light of Mine", but I have come to realize we are really cheating them out of a passionate relationship with the Creator.

I realize I may be somewhat crazy, but I find it of dire importance that my children fall in love with God early and grow in that love. So what if they know all the stories of the Bible? That in itself is not what will get them to Heaven. Somewhere through the years, we have decided that Hell is too harsh a subject, sin is to complicated to explain, and our total depravity makes us look too needy. We have given our children way to much freedom in their thinking, like this life is solely theirs to live. What have we done?

Why are we, as parents, holding back on our children? Are we doing it on purpose? No. I really think it's because we, ourselves, don't know what we believe. So, we aren't going to push anything on our kids that we don't know how to answer. How arrogant and prideful can we be? It's time we put away the flesh and walk in truth. This world is only getting worse. It's hates God and everything He stands for. I want my children to walk in the POWER of the CROSS! It is my job to train them and pray that God, in his sovereign glory, will call them to Himself.

I recently found a Reformed Baptist Children's Catechism that Jimmy and I will be starting soon with the kids. If your interested go to "The Reformed Reader: committed to historic Baptist beliefs". They have several catechisms to choose from. I chose the "A Catechism for Babes, or Little Ones" and "A Catechism for Boys and Girls". I'm really excited about starting Judd and Adley on the journey to spiritual growth. God is good and my children need to know it! Completely!

So, I'm entering a time of prayer. I want God to prepare my heart and to help me teach my children solid biblical truthes and theology. This will be their very foundation, it must be a firm one to stand on!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to My Crazy Life...

Holy Cow! It's been crazy around the Walker home over the last couple weeks! With a broken arm, spring break, resetting the broken arm, sick kids, easter parties, and all the daily tasks I have, it's possible I could lose my mind! I feel so scatter-brained! I remember NOTHING and am loosing everything! Today was the kids' Easter party, I had to go to Wal-Mart and buy Adley a basket because she doesn't have one. What kind of mother am I that my child doesn't have an Easter basket?? After dropping off the basket, I then realized I forgot to buy plastic eggs for egg hunt. Now I look like the mom who doesn't read the notes sent home. I was typing all that, I was interrupted by a phone call reminding me, yet again, of something I was suppose to be doing and COMPLETELY forgot!

I know some may think that this is just part of being the mother to three small children and having a lot going on, but I am pretty sure it is more than that. I have never felt so out of control in all my life. I have no time to do anything. We got back from Colorado on Friday night and I have yet to go to Wal-Mart to restock the fridge and the pantry. My poor kids feel like they are being punished cause I have no snacks to give them in the afternoons. This would be a really good time in life to develope OCD tendencies. Maybe then I could get structured enough to get things together.

What to do? What to do? It's not like it's going to get any better! Things are not slowing down any time soon. If anything, it's just going to get busier. Judd starts T-ball soon, Nolan has a first birthday that needs to be planned, Adley has outgrown her baby bed and needs a new "big girl" bed, but at the same time, Nolan needs somewhere to sleep, the kids need new spring clothes, I need new spring clothes! I'm feeling an anxiety attack coming on!

It's in these moments I need to run to feet of my Savior and cling to him with all that I have or else I will surely drowned in overwhelmingness that is my life! If you can relate, let me get an AMEN.